AE-Bio 東京大学農学生命科学研究科 生産環境生物学専攻 close

根本 圭介


教 授

 略 歴
1983年 東京大学卒
1988年 東京大学大学院博士課程修了


  1. Hirano,A., Nmeoto,K., Watanabe,H., and Takahashi,K.(2001)Patterns of internode elongation in rice seedlings. Plant Production Science 4(2),88-89.
  2. Makiko,C., Suzuki,Y., Nemoto,K., Yamane,H., Murofushi,N., and Yamaguchi,I.(2001)Expression pattern of the CsPK3 auxin-responsive protein kinase gene. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem 65(3), 605-612.
  3. Ishiwatari,Y., Nemoto,K., Fujiwara,T., Chino,M. and Hayashi,H.(2000)In situ hybridization study of the rice phloem thioredoxin h mRNA accumulation-possible involvement in the differentiation of vascular tissues. Physiol. Plant. 109, 90-96.
  4. Uchini,A., Sentoku,N., Nemoto,K., Ishii,R., Samejima,M., and Matsuoka,M.(1998)C4-type gene expression is not directly dependent on Kranz anatomy in an amphibious sedge Eleocharis vivipara Link. Plant J. 14(5), 565-572.
  5. Matsukura,C., Ito,S., Nemoto,K., Tanimoto,E. and Yamaguchi,J.(1998)Promotion of leaf sheath growth by gibberellic acid in a dwarf mutant of rice. Planta, 205, 145-152.


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